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Chit-Chat with Connielove Dzodzegbe: Projecting God’s image and sharing Christian principles


Connielove Dzodzegbe’s channel, Chit-Chat aims to inspire and uplift by projecting God’s image and sharing Christian principles.

Join us for thoughtful discussions, uplifting messages, and practical insights rooted in faith.

Whether you’re seeking spiritual growth, encouragement, or simply a deeper understanding of Christian values, Chit-Chat is designed to guide and support you on your journey. Subscribe and be part of our faith-filled community! It’s being 20 episodes of great content.

Catch up on the Chit-Chat episodes;

The Names of God

God has so many names. Have you ever stopped to ask what they mean and what they imply? In this episode, I touch on the names of God, their meanings, and relevance to the Christian journey.

Chosen Generation

God’s love is truly the greatest. In this episode of Chit-Chat, the emphasis is on the role chosen people are expected to play. Many have heard about being chosen, but unfortunately, we often don’t understand it and take paths that do not bring God honour.

Chosen literally means selected as the best, and in this context, God considers us as the best.

We seem to forget our place as chosen and are therefore abusing the benefits of being chosen. This video reminds us of our role and redirects us.

Hopeless Generation

Most often we run around searching for God in wield places. We make it look as if God is far off and until we travel we can never meet him.

In this episode, I remind us of the essence of getting more personal with God.

Take care of yourself

What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul?

In this instance, what does it profit you to acquire all the assets in the world and die young?

Many of us are chasing the wrong things under the guise of making money to live comfortably. It is a sorry sight because we never know its effect on us until it is too late.

In the episode, so to speak, I open your eyes to reality and why it is important to sometimes “just take a break.

My love story

It is that time of the year again when people want to go to extremes to show love to their dear ones.

However, most of us forget that someone loves us so much and is only waiting for us to accept Him, so He can give us peace, joy, and everything we ever wanted.

In this episode, I opened up about my love story and how a Man lost his life to save mine.

We no go gree?

I have resolved not to leave anything to chance, which Gen Z’s typically refer to as ‘I no go gree.’

In this video, my friend Hubert Nouatin and I team up to discuss the ‘we no go gree’ brouhaha.

You’d be amazed by some of the conclusions we reached.

Blunt Thoughts

On some days, life is extra hard. I can’t explain why that is so, but I guess that is life.

What more can we do but make the most of our time here?

 In this video, I open up about my personal struggles and experiences. In this piece, I share my fears, and I hope you can relate.

Assure me that I am not alone!

God does not use the qualified

Before God, our righteousness is like a filthy rag. This means no one is qualified, and it is only by the mercies of God that we are asked to occupy certain positions. No matter what you have done, come to God just as you are, and He will use you to fulfill your purpose. May this video bless you.

You are not an ‘Accident’

You are important, extremely important to God!

Do not let anyone tell you otherwise. In this video, I passionately speak about the importance of seeing yourself as God sees you.

Know your source

I was privileged to sit in a meeting where an industry player shared the secrets of his success.  In this episode, I share with you what he considers the most important key to his exploits. I can assure you, that this video is worth your time.

What are you watching?

In this special episode, I share with you the essence of filtering what you watch. Many of us spend quality time watching unwholesome images and videos which has contributed to some mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional challenges. I trust this episode will be a blessing to help you deal with any form of addiction. God bless you.

Why should I live for God?

Do you feel you are wasting your life, not living as God expects you to? Well, we sometimes feel the same, but we remember that God loves us too much to let us waste our lives and time.

In this episode, Daniel and I have a conversation on “Why We Should Live for God,” especially as young people.

In this video, we share personal experiences on what helps us walk the path God has for us.

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